Virtual CV
Doctor of Philosophy: History May 2016
Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Christine Kooi
Major Field: Early Modern Europe
Minor Fields: European Intellectual History, Geography
Dissertation: Wrestling with Neptune: The ecological and political consequences of the military inundations during the Dutch Revolt
MA: History 2009
University of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Hans Broedel
Major Field: Early Modern Europe
Thesis: Influence of Dutch Water Management on the Revolt of the Netherlands 1568-1648
BA: History and Business Marketing 2005
University of South Dakota
Teaching/Work Experience:
Sheridan College, Ontario - Professor of Public History - 2019 - present
Courses taught:
HIST 17370: Early Modern Europe
HIST 19936: Canada in the Making: Understanding Canadian History
HIST 14310: The History of Chocolate
HUMN 18823: Humanities and Western Civilization
HIST 13921: Modern European History
HIST 14998: Modern War (Online and In Class)
Sheridan College, Ontario– Professor (Part Time) 2013-2019
Ghubril Ltd - Editor 2017-2019
Edited proposals for multi-million United Nations Program Evaluation contracts.
Ontario Learn (Online) 2016-2017
Courses taught:
HIST 14310G: History of Chocolate (Online)
Louisiana State University – Teaching Assistant 2011 –2013
HIST 1001: Western Civilization to 1500
HIST 1003: Western Civilization Since 1500
University of North Dakota – Teaching Assistant 2006- 2008
HIST 101: Western Civilization I
HIST 103: United States History to 1877
HIST 210: United States Military History
Wrestling with Neptune: The ecological and political consequences of the military inundations during the Dutch Revolt (Contracted with Brill, tentative publication in 2020)
Peer Reviewed Articles:
"Better Broken Lands than Lost Lands”: The impact of the All Saints Day Flood and the Relief of Leiden on the landscape of Holland. (In Spanish) Desperta Ferra: Historia Moderna. No. 63 (May 2023): 14-23.
“Hidden beneath the waves: Commemorating and forgetting the military inundations during the Siege of Leiden.” Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies 35 (2014):1-27.
“Adapting to Change: Simon Stevin’s Multifunctional Pivoted Sluice Lock and the Dutch Revolt.” Vulcan, 3 (2015):66-92.
Eroding Support: How the All Saints Day Flood undermined Spanish Authority in Holland (in progress)
Book Reviews:
Sixteenth Century Journal:
Carla de Wilt. Landlieden en hoogheemraden: De bestuurlijke ontwikkeling van het waterbeheer en de participatiecultuur in Delfland in de zestiende eeuw. Hilversum: Verloren. 2015
Historical Geography:
Stepháne Castonguay and Mathew Evenden, eds. Urban Rivers: Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, 2012. In Vol. 41 (2013), 232-233.
Chet van Duzer. Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps. London: The British Library, 2013. In Vol. 42 (2014), 421-423.
David Cressy. Saltpeter: The Mother Of Gunpowder. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Courtly Encounters: Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Laura Manzan Baena. Conflicting Words: The Peace of Münster (1648) and the Political Culture of the Dutch Republic and Spanish Monarchy. Avisos de Flandes Series. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2011.
Derek Croxton. Westphalia: The Last Christian Peace. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Martha Pollak. Cities at War in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Olaf Asbach, Peter Schröder, eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to the Thirty Years’ War. Surry: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2014.
Elizabeth Sutton. Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.
Anthony N. Penna and Jennifer S. Rivers. Natural Disasters in a Global Environment. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
New Perspectives of Early Modern Warfare. Review of Marjolein ‘t Hart. The Dutch Wars of Independence: Warfare and Commerce in the Netherlands, 1570-1680. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2014. and Lauro Martines. Furies: War in Europe, 1450-1700. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2013.
Public History Articles:
The Past comes Flooding Back: The war that almost Sank Holland. NiCHE, Seeds: New Research in Environmental History, April 2017
Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies – Ottawa, Canada 2015
“Repairing the Damage: the political fallout of military inundations during the Dutch Revolt”
Tri-University Annual History Conference – Waterloo, Canada 2015
“The Siege and Relief of Leiden in 1574: An Allegorical Print”
Second World Congress of Environmental History – Guimarães, Portugal 2014
“A Balancing Act: assessing the environmental impact of fortification building in the Dutch Republic”
New York State Association of European Historians - Rochester, NY 2013
“At the water’s edge: An environmental examination of the Siege of Leiden 1574”
HGSA Conference at Western University - London, ON 2013
“Reclaiming Paradise: The proposed transformation of the Haarlemmermeer in seventeenth century Holland”
HGSA Conference - Baton Rouge, LA 2012
“Innovations in Water Technologies as a Mirror of Dutch Society”
Missouri Valley History Conference – Omaha, NE 2008
“Environmental History and the Dutch Revolt”
Red River History Conference - Grand Forks, ND 2008
“Discourses of the International Peace Garden”
Louisiana State University Graduate School Fellowship 2016
University of Minnesota: Elmer Andersen Research Scholar Travel Grant 2014
Louisiana State University Travel Grant 2014
Louisiana State University Travel Grant 2014
Louisiana State University Travel Grant 2013
University of North Dakota Travel Grant 2005
University of South Dakota, Black Hills Co-op Academic Scholarship 2004